I'm currently taking a weeks vacation so that I can relax, catch up on a few things, and visit family. And what have I done so far with this time? This:
A contribution to a group that, aside from a little more new knowledge about body positioning and expressions, I have gained little.
So why do I continue to do it?
Partially for the personal enjoyment. It is a nice break from my day job, and gives me something to contribute, however few people may see it. It also is mentally stimulating for me, as it is something outside of my normal field of knowledge (that being computer networking).
Foremost though, is because in some small corner of my mind I still hold on to the dream that I might some day be able to make some semblance of a living off of doing art.
Will I ever reach that point? It seems more and more remote as days pass. The field is super competitive despite the low pay, long hours, and seeming thanklessness received by a majority of the public. I could certainly have a much more comfortable living if I kept up my current career track. So why keep going?
Not sure even I know at this point. Only that I don't want to quit.
Not yet.