Monday, February 11, 2013

February Daily Draw: Day 11

Karthus can be so annoying...

February Daily Draw: Day 10

More faces!

February Daily Draw: Day 9

Had to complete the last 7 of these faces on Day 10, but just keep that between us...

February Daily Draw: Day 8

Faces practice!

February Daily Draw: Day 7

Missed day 6, sadly. On to the next!

February Daily Draw: Day 5

February Daily Draw: Day 4

February Daily Draw: Day 3

February Daily Draw: Day 2

February Daily Draw: Day 1

So I decided to join in on a daily draw challenge set up by the folks at Satellite Soda ( It's a pretty sizable group, so plenty of motivation to keep going from day to day. Gonna upload what I've done so far, and repost what I do from day to day:

Day 1: